Thursday, February 12, 2009

James and his Walker

This little escape artist has learned to get out of his walker! I haven't caught him yet to see how he does it exactly but I am impressed anyway. A couple of days ago he got out but his leg was still stuck in one of the leg holes so he was yelling for me to get him. He had both of his hands and one leg on the floor and the other one was stuck. It was so funny I almost took a picture for the blog but I thought that would be mean so I rescued him instead. Maybe next time.

He has also become obsessed with doors, drawers, lids and anything else he can figure out how to open or close. He loves to push the buttons on the stereo and get into the cat's food and water bowls. That makes a nice mess. He also loves to try to climb up everything.

Why do they have to grow up so darn fast?! Pretty soon he will be walking! I don't think I am ready for that yet.

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