Friday, January 8, 2010

What in the World??

I never know what to expect when I walk around the corner at our house. Yes, that is James in the recycle can, and yes he is smiling about it.

I am hiding in our office right now. The boys have a friend spending the night. I don't know if you have ever had the privilege of having five over energized boys playing in the house, but if you have then you know hiding is necessary.

Is it bedtime yet?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Only In Arizona

Can you receive a sand and water table for Christmas and it be a good gift.

Who knew it would be a good gift for all the kids!

They were jockeying for the prime toys and position in front of the sand.

An hour and a half later, dripping wet, and sand in every imaginable crevice, it was time for a bath.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pow Pow Power Tools

He's 34!

Mike may have turned 34 this week but I think he has been too busy to notice. He got some new tools for Christmas and he put them to work last week. Notice the drywall on his shirt. I had to pull him away from his projects to give him his cherry chip cake. We sang him Happy Birthday, and even James sang. That is actually his favorite song and he can sing it clear as day.

Project #1

His birthday present was ceiling speakers for the living room and he couldn't wait to install them. I was a little worried about him cutting big holes in the ceiling but I didn't let it show and everything turned out awesome!

Project #2

I really wish I would have taken a before picture of this project. Our garage was a mess. Boxes piled up along the walls, sports equipment, holiday decor, it was just complete chaos. In fact, we were hard pressed to fit our van in there.

So so proud of him! Our garage is so pretty and organized now. Check out the ball corral and weed eater holder!

Our garage is the envy of the block, and now that I see what he is capable of, Mike's "honey do" list just doubled in size.

Happy New Year!

Okay that was a little late wasn't it.

What can I say, I have sort of just stopped taking pictures recently and the blog has suffered because of it. But who knows what the new year will bring. Maybe I will turn into a brilliant, dedicated blogger this year! Maybe by the end of this decade I will be an author. Ha! Fat chance.

I do know what this past decade has brought me.

I had my sweet little babies, Marcus and James

We bought our first home (after moving 8 times in the past ten years). We really are professional movers.

I purchased three, yup three used Cadillacs. I am so over them now. I also bought my first brand new vehicle this decade. My beloved van.

I went through a difficult divorce and struggled with raising three children who didn't understand what was going on.

I said goodbye to both of my grandmas and my grandpa.

I met the love of my life and married him.

Picture taken in 2004

Look at us! I don't even recognize me. Piercing, fluffy blondish hair, skinny mini! I just made Mike throw away that shirt yesterday. It was so thin it was practically see through.

I flew for the first time and saw snow fall.

Went on lots of vacations including Hawaii twice and Disneyland.

I am so blessed, my life is so rich. I can't even imagine what the next ten years will be like. It will involve raising three teenage boys so I am bracing for that. Whatever it brings, I am ready!

Happy New Year my friends.