Monday, April 19, 2010

While dad's at work

I get to hang out with mom. We do lots of fun stuff like making a rocking chair out of the glider ottoman. My butt fits just right if I try real hard.

Sometimes I pretend to be mommy at work. I even know how to wear the headset just right and do the eye roll mommy does sometimes when she is talking to weird people.

Mom has some new hobbies that she tries to do during my naps. She is making me a quilt for my big boy bed that I will get some day soon. I like to point at each puppy and say "ruff, ruff!"

She also likes her new little garden. But I didn't know I wasn't supposed to pull all the flowers off. Petals make fun confetti.

I LOVE to watch Dora. Actually I call every cartoon Dora now. The other day I was so tired I fell asleep watching it.

Mom thinks I am getting bigger and cuter every day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chocolate Bunny

Who knew James could make a chocolate bunny goatee and cover a three foot radius of floor all with only 6oz of chocolate. From now on I will be asking the Easter bunny to push jelly beans.


This weekend we got a dog. Not a puppy, a dog. I can't even explain how excited the boys were.

Oz, who is formerly known as Spice, is half boxer and half american bulldog. He is a LARGE boy. When we picked him up I think Marcus was a little shocked by his size. We decided to change his name after Mike and I came to the conclusion that no male dog should have to suffer another day of being called Spice.

But the boy is a lover. He thought he was a lap dog on the van ride home. He spent the weekend sniffing every inch of our house and yard. He could care less about Alice except when she hisses and runs. Then he thinks she is very interesting and chases after her. We are using a baby gate to separate them until they get acquainted a little more.

Oz is Mike's best friend already. He waits by the door when Mike leaves for work. He loves James too. James likes to give him big bear hugs and french kisses. Umm, who taught him to kiss like that?

So glad we finally got a dog. With four boys in the house it was about time. Boys need dogs as much as they need dirt and rocks.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I have come to the conclusion........

That nothing says "I love you" like warm chocolate cake waiting for you after a long day of school.

Sprinkles don't hurt either.