Monday, February 23, 2009

Exploring the new House

This weekend we got to take the boys to go see the new house. We were all very excited. Mike and I couldn't wait to show the boys our future digs. Like our jungle of a front yard? Really the front yard is tiny, but they managed to jam two trees and at least six bushes in it. We will be having lots of fun landscaping this summer.

As soon as we opened the door the boys bolted in three different directions. One went upstairs, one went out back, and I found Marcus exploring the closet under the stairs. I'm sure he is already planning an awesome fort.

The room straight ahead is our future den/ guest room so for all of you that want to come out for a visit, there is your room!

Everyone checking out the view from the master bedroom window.

We will have to add baby gates to our list of stuff to buy. James already showed us how he can crawl all the way up the stairs all by himself. Jason, Nathan, and Marcus learned that stairs can be a great way to see just how high up you can be and still jump to the bottom in one piece. I don't know why but I don't really like that game.

Next they decided to pick out their bedrooms. Super exciting!! I can hardly believe it, they actually all agreed on their rooms. It must be an omen. Marcus had his room picked out pretty fast but then saw a dead bug on the window sill and didn't want that room anymore. He decided he wanted the master bedroom instead. Ha! Fat chance buddy. We promised him the bug wouldn't be there when we moved in.

Note to self: Remove bug

This is Jason in the room he picked. He is looking out his bedroom window checking out the view.

Dad checking out our new kitchen and taking inventory of all the stuff we are going to need. We counted, and will need to get eleven doorknobs, eight light fixtures, one kitchen faucet, window treatments for eleven windows, appliances, and would eventually like to get rid of the linoleum flooring.

I predict many hours spent at Home Depot in our near future.

No that is not grass, it's weeds. At least it's green right? The boys were fine with the small backyard once they saw the huge park.

I'm glad they got to see the house and they love it too. Right now we are in the process of getting all the inspections and financing taken care of. As of today we are scheduled to close on April 3rd!

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