Tuesday, February 17, 2009

House Update III

We officially put in an offer on our six bedroom dream house on Friday. Can I just say I think I may have ulcers? I have quickly learned over the past couple of days that I really hate to haggle. Well I guess that's not exactly true. I like to haggle over meaningless things like cheap trinkets in Hawaii or baby clothes from the second hand store. I don't like to haggle over houses. Specifically, our (hopefully) house.

Yesterday they came back with a counter offer which I immediately wanted to accept. Mike talked some sense into me and explained why that would not work, we really need the seller to pay all of our closing costs and they were only offering to pay up to 3%. So reluctantly I agreed to put in a counter offer making a couple concessions but firm on the closing costs. It has been over thirty hours and we still haven't heard a response! I am going insane over here! It feels like torture just sitting here and waiting for the phone to ring.

Our realtor told us the seller (Freddie Mac) is usually a big stickler when it comes to the 3% and usually don't allow people to adjust the sale price up and pay the rest of closing for them. We also found out that there are now a couple more offers on the house too. Lucky for us, our offer is exclusive so the bank (the seller) can't even review or even know about the other offers until we reach an agreement or agree to disagree which is sort of comforting to know.

So right now we are just waiting. And eating. I hope they call soon because I can't stop eating! I think it's a nervous thing. I have demolished two sleeves of honey mustard Pringles, and a whole bag of Chex Mix by myself in the past 24 hours. Pretty soon my pants aren't going to zip and I will have a wardrobe consisting of sweat pants in every color imagineable.

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