Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Nathan is by far my pickiest eater. I have to twist his arm and threaten his dessert on a nightly basis to get him to eat dinner. His aversions include eggs, hamburgers, turkey, anything remotely green of course, and as of yesterday, spiral noodles. Here was our conversation over yesterday's fetuccini alfredo.

Me: Nathan why aren't you eating? You like fetuccini.
Nathan: (While frowning at his plate) I don't like these kind of noodles.
Me: They are all the same, eat your food.
Nathan: No, these ones are curly (spiral).
Me: (Rolling my eyes) They are the exact same thing just made into a different shape.
Nathan: (Picking at the disgusting spirals on his plate) I like the straight ones better, the spirals have a funny texture.
Me: (Speechless)
Nathan: Actually, I only like the ones with the holes in them (penne).
Me: (Still speechless)

Can you really dislike a particular noodle? After this particular discussion, I asked him if he could name seven homemade meals (not straight out of the box i.e. macaroni) that he actually liked. After ten minutes, and having shot down pizza for the third time, he gave up on trying to figure out a fourth dinner.

I guess that only leaves me with two theories. He is an insanely picky eater, or he is the only honest one in the house when it comes to my cooking.


Anonymous said...

He is very picky. I still remember the time we went to Hometown Buffet. I'll also add that he may be the most stubborn child I've met so far!

Unknown said...

I agree with you on his stubbornness, but do you remember when you took Jason to Taco Bell?