Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Library

I love the library. It's quiet and full of books. I always seem to forget that I can read for free. Then when I rediscover it, I am like my kids in the candy aisle. I want them all. Today I took Jason and Marcus with me to the library. The only thing about our library that I don't care for is the size. It's tiny! Last time I went I couldn't even fit the stroller through the aisles. This time Mike stayed home with Nathan and James, and tinkered with the scooter. We each picked out three books and I even found a book on photography that I am excited about.

After the library, we went to a little park right next door. The kids ran around and climbed all the trees and I took pictures. Jason was a happy subject. Marcus was just annoyed by me. Hopefully when I am done reading my photography book I will be posting very professional looking pictures. Maybe I will even be able to take a nice family photo which we desperately need.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

What an absolutely fantastic tree! I get so jealous of beautiful old trees. It's the one thing I regret about having a newer house--not a single good climbing tree. We've planted some, but they they won't be ready for climbing until we get to the grandparent stage!