Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mr. Mom

Did I ever tell you just how great my husband is? I might have mentioned it once or twice but let me remind you. Earlier this week I remembered that James was due for a doctor's appointment. I completely forgot about his nine month check-up! The only time they could get him in this week was at 9am today. I had to work so Mike would have to take him.

Then yesterday, Nathan kept telling us how much his toe hurt. I looked at it and he had a nicely ingrown toenail embedded in his skin. It was completely red and swollen and he yelped every time I even breathed on it so I called up the Dr and made Nathan an appt for the same time. Nathan never ever gets sick and has perfect attendance for the past three years. The only reason he doesn't this year is because of our trip to Hawaii and now his toenail.

So today Mike got the boys up and off to school like normal, but then he took Nathan and James to their appts. He braved the forms and baby shots. He braved the Dr's questions about James' development. Why is that part always stressful? I always feel like they are going to scold me for something I am doing wrong. Then after all that, he stopped at the drugstore and filled Nathan's prescription, made a trip to the post office for me, and stopped to get lunch for all of us. All that is enough to make a girl swoon.

Nathan has an appt to go back next Thursday. They didn't have the numbing medicine in stock since his foot is going to require minor surgery to get that nail out. Nathan weighs 60lbs and James weighs in at 24lbs. James is also 29 inches long. That puts him in the 95 percentile for height and weight yet again. The doctor said he predicts James will be on the tall side. James hated his shots, Nathan said he screamed real loud but stopped as soon as Mike picked him up. At least he got three Daffy Duck bandaids and a sucker. That made him feel a little better too. James also has a minor medical issue that I won't go into too much detail about except that it requires applying Vaseline to a particular area, and it causes James a LOT of pain.

Wish me luck tonight, James didn't deal with the shot after effects very well last time. There was lots of crying and puking involved.

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