Monday, March 2, 2009

Watermelon and Guitars

I finally got little man down for a nap. Nathan so graciously passed his illness on to James who was up a million times last night and is about as crabby as one sick baby can be. Just like Nathan, he has a high fever and feel plain miserable. He just lays there in my arms crying while I rock him. Sad. I am ready for this house to be healthy again. Enough with the sniffles, sneezes, coughs, fevers, chills, and crabbiness!

Yesterday my dad came over and hung out with us. Once I told him we rented Guitar Hero World Tour there was no stopping him from coming. He's addicted, and he's good at it! It's insane how much Blockbuster can charge to rent one game, $9! If we would have known that we wouldn't have got it, but we didn't want to look like the broke idiots that change their mind after being rung up. So enjoy it kids, never again will we be renting a $9 video game.

Marcus gave his Spiderman bike a cleaning on the front porch while waiting for Grandpa to come. He even cleaned the tires and spokes. After he was done he told me he thought his bike was the cleanest bike in the world. Now if I could just get him to be as enthusiastic about cleaning his room...

My dad brought a watermelon with him to share in exchange for time on the nintendo wii

It was a perfect watermelon day. Hot but not too hot. It is definitely an outdoor food.

Even James got to sample nature's dessert. He kept trying to eat the rind so I had to take it away and cut that part off. He loved it!

After watermelon we got down to business. We each took turns on the guitar. I am not so good on medium so I stick to easy usually. Marcus is still a little too young to play by himself so he was my official star power button pusher. Jason and Nathan are professionals at medium but a little hesitant to attempt hard. Mike preferred to ignore us rockers.

My dad is pretty much awesome. He can do the songs on hard. I can't even follow the notes on that level! Way too fast.

All that rocking out made us hungry so I made sweet and sour chicken for dinner which was really good unless you are under the age of 12, then you would say it's really gross. James ate more watermelon for dinner. We talked about our soon to be house (32 days and counting!) and tried to find a house online for my dad to buy and rent out. He is thinking about it.

Uh oh, someone is awake and needs me. So much for a little break. Back to work.

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