Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It's true, my baby is one! I can hardly believe it, my quiet, wrinkly, sleepy, purple-ish newborn has turned into a mobile, rough and tough, chubster who likes to scream a lot. He has a sense of humor now. He makes certain facial expressions that are only his. He claps when he is proud of himself and knows how to say caca (I taught him) when I change his poopy diapers. Our little baby is growing up. I even cried a couple tears last night when I laid him to bed. I looked at him and thought to myself, this is the last day he will be zero. I hugged him a little longer than usual.

I am so blessed to be able to work part time and to be able to spend most of my time with my children. I cherish everyday of it. Never the less, it still makes me sad to see them growing up. Pretty soon they aren't going to need mama as much!

I was supposed to work today but my alarm didn't go off or didn't wake me up, which is the first time that has ever happened to me. I figured that was a sign that I was supposed to spend the whole day with my birthday boy. I played hookie from work and instead Mike and I took James to buy a red helium birthday balloon. He loved it! We also bought him a birthday gift and a new outfit. Every birthday boy needs a new outfit.

He also got his first pair of shoes today! I am not kidding, James has never ever worn a pair of shoes before. We have tried getting him shoes before but he has fat/huge feet that don't really fit into shoes. We would have had to buy them so big they would look like clown shoes. So this whole first year he has gotten by wearing nothing but socks.

Today we found these really cute Converse shoes that actually are slip ons. They fit!! I had to have them, James needs shoes, so I tried to ignore the price tag.

When we got home James took a nap. I frosted his cupcakes and made a makeshift cupcake display out of his bottle rack. I am so creative. Then I waited for him to wake up.

And waited

And waited

He slept for four and a half hours!! I got impatient and decided to wake him up. He was missing his whole birthday! We are having another party for him on Saturday to celebrate with the rest of my family but I just couldn't let this day go uncelebrated. Here is his birthday party in pictures.

The party goers:

The Party:

The Cake:

The first birthday cake is a huge deal for me. I have sort of made it a tradition for the boys to have chocolate cake for the first time on their first birthday. They have had cookies, ice cream, brownies, ring pops, and everything else. But chocolate cake is special. Only on their first birthday. I was very excited to give it to James.

He really wanted the candle and thought it was funny when we sang to him.

Oh boy! I'd say he likes it.

After cleaning him up he spent the rest of the night playing and snuggling with my dad.

It was a pretty eventful evening and he was full from his cake. When he got fussy it was time for bed. I gave him a kiss and sang him our song and put him to bed.

Happy Birthday my sweet little James.

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