Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's time to come out of the closet

This is my office.

It is tucked away in our bedroom closet.

Yes that is right, I said my closet. My desk sits right next to our dirty clothes basket and my wedding dress. And every time I go on break that dang cat steals my chair! It has worked out great for me since it is the quietest room in the house, but Mike can't lay James down for a nap when he is fussy because he cries too loud. I do need a quiet room because I work from home taking calls from crazy people all day who want a credit card and a crying baby probably wouldn't be very professional background music. As you can see I have tried to spruce the closet up with pictures taped to cardboard (I try to minimize the tacks since we live in a rental) and some pictures the boys have drawn me, but it is still a closet. I can't wait to move into our new house and I have a 10 x10 room with a window. I dream of putting in a mini fridge stocked with nothing but my beloved Diet Dr Pepper, or maybe even have a tv in there too to sneak a peak at in between calls, on mute of course. Now that would be cool!

I am counting down the days until I can come out of the closet.


DuckyPorkchop said...

Thats the kind of job I need! If they are ever hiring tell them I'm their girl. Had you not said anything I would have never known that was a closet. You did a very good job of masking its closetness.

Nicole Black said...

I LOVE it! That is a way bigger office than I expected! It looks bright and cheery. I like your closet, but a real office will be cool. And, I LOVE the TV idea. I wish I would have thought of it...