Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mystery Tree

This year we did the unthinkable...

We picked our Christmas tree without even seeing it unwrapped!! Normally we are the type who have to hold up each tree, and size it up from every side, and then switch so that the other person can give their opinion too. Tree picking is a huge deal and we want to make sure we get our $24.99 worth.

This year tree shopping was sort of.... different. We went out to get a tree on Sunday. Sadly, there were only four Charlie Brown trees left to choose from. The Fry's employee promised us they were getting in a fresh batch in on Monday so we decided to make the forty minute drive again tomorrow. Of course when we went back the next day, the new batch hadn't arrived but Tuesday was definitely the day of the new batch. We were sad we didn't get our tree and that we made the long drive for nothing but we were determined to get one of those fresh cheap trees.

Tuesday right after I get off work we go, again, to Fry's, but of course as soon as we get on the freeway it is backed up. An hour and a half later we see why as we finally drive past. A trailer has disconnected from a semi and is on fire. (we sure have great timing don't we?). So Mike is now late for work, the baby is crying, and we still didn't have a tree. I think Mike saw the sadness in my eyes and decided a tree was more important than being less late. My hero!

Fry's did finally get the trees in, but since we didn't have much time, we opted to choose the tallest, fattest, unwrapped tree we could find. I was a little nervous that we would open it up when we would get home and there would only be branches on one side or something but the mystery was sort of exciting too.

Here I am unwrapping our nine foot mystery present. The tree was perfect!! Well almost perfect. It came with a few stowaways. There were a few walnut sized beetles that scared the bejeezus out of me. After spraying almost an entire can of bugspray on them, they were still skittering around on the floor. I am too chicken to get close enough to hit them with a shoe- those things can fly you know- so I sent the cat after them. PJ took care of business and saved the day. Now my cat is probably poisoned but my house is safe again.

Stay tuned for the finished Christmas tree pictures!

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