Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve Eve

I thought we were all ready for Christmas. We were, all the way up until yesterday when Mike decided to take the boys to the Dollar Tree to buy me presents while I was working. I was under the impression that we weren't going to exchange presents this year. Leave it to Mike to find a loophole. We aren't technically exchanging presents if they are from the boys right? So.... guess who had to brave Walmart at 5pm, the day before Christmas Eve, with four children. Me.

Of course there was no way to manuever a cart through the madness so I had to leave the boys with the cart at the end of the aisles while I went in. I would find a few five dollar gems and offer them to the boys as possible ideas. After nearly getting ran over by an old man on a motorized cart, and having my toes stepped on by a greasy toothless lady, we finally found some winners. We escaped with only minor injuries.

When we got home I decided to take a picture of the boys in front of the Christmas tree with their cute Santa hats. Here's how that went.

Dang it! Forgot the flash!

Marcus is NOT smiling like I had requested, and James is trying to remove his hat.

Then Nathan wasn't looking.

Why Jason why?!

Finally! I was worried that I was going to have to photoshop a picture together.

Consider this your Christmas card. I meant to send them out this year. In fact, there is a cute little box of snowman cards sitting on the counter right now. It's not gonna happen this year.

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