Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Seems like the older I get the faster a year goes by. A lot of fun, not so fun, and eventful things happened this year. We moved again, which was not so fun especially since I was eight months pregnant. I had a really cool baby shower. Mike and I celebrated our first anniversary as an old married couple. We met sweet baby James in March. We very briefly delivered phone books. I started a new part time job from home. We spent a lot of the summer at the neighborhood waterpark. Marcus started kindergarten. He likes it now which is great. We went to Hawaii again and got to take the boys this time. Mike and I played fantasy football and we both lost. We took the boys to their first hockey, football, and ASU games. We both voted for the first time. We went to Tucson to visit Nate and Kaci and to see Kartchner caverns. Marcus lost his first tooth. Jason went on an out of state rafting field trip. Jason and Nathan did a marathon. The boys all played soccer. Mike got a new job as a warehouse manager. We bought a scooter and a big tv. James grew teeth, sat up, crawled, laughed, got sick, and yelled for the first time. We got lots of visits from Grandma Mickey who helped out while I was pregnant, and after. We even got to see little grandma and grandpa and Tom and Mena. We took the boys up north to see snow. And I started a blog!

I'd say it was a pretty great year. I'm looking forward to next year, I'm sure Mike will continue to drive me insane with all the house buying talk. Don't get me wrong, I want a house bad. I am just a lazy pessimist and don't want to try again and get turned down. I just want someone to hand me the keys and tell me where to send the next thirty years worth of mortgage payments.

As far as resolutions, I don't really do resolutions. But if I had to say what I would want to do next year it would be to buy a house or at least be more open minded about trying to buy a house, learn to cook healthier, keep up my blog, spend lots of quality time with my boys, visit with family more, and learn to play guitar hero on medium. Those aren't resolutions though, resolutions usually only last until January 20th and then everyone forgets them. These are just strong desires.

Happy New Year!

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