Friday, November 21, 2008

The Walk

Today after work, Mike wanted to go for a walk. I voted for taking a nap, but James voted for going for a walk too. Dang it! Once again I am outvoted. Why do I hate going for walks so much! It can hardly be called exercise, but in my head it is equivalent to torture. The whole time I am putting on my shoes and getting the baby ready I am trying to come up with some reason why I can't go. I couldn't think of any so we went for a walk.

We walked around one of the neighborhood lakes. I looked for these...

And Mike looked for these. He drives me crazy with his house hunting. I think he figured that out so he mostly house hunts behind my back now, but I still see him looking for the web address on the signs out of the corner of his eye.

If you have ever been in the car while Mike was driving you probably know that he drives with his knees a lot. Yes, his knees. I have told him it is very unsafe but he insists he is really good. James likes to steer with his feet, I hope James isn't learning this bad habit from dad.

We all had fun chasing these coots around. We don't like these gross duck imposters. They tear up the grass and leave green poop everywhere including the sidewalk. Every winter they migrate to our lake.

Ever since James got his new tooth this week he feels like such a big boy. He has become quite the professional eater, that is sort of his niche since he is definitely no where near crawling and he is not a good sleeper. His new favorite food is orange slices which he ate while lounging in his stroller. No wonder he voted for walk! If I were going to be fed and sitting the whole time I would have picked it too.

Maybe tomorrow I will bribe James with oatmeal to vote for nap. I have a feeling that I am going to lose again so I guess I better just start thinking of my excuse now.

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