Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fright Night

There is so much to love about Halloween. The costumes, the candy, the food, the family, the excitement. Every year we head on over to Uncle Chris and Aunt DeeDee's house with my sister and her kids and my mom, Stan, and Brianna. We always eat pizza and then go trick or treating. That is the tradition. That is what I love to do. I took a ton of pictures because not only do I have to show off these scary/cute kids but I am also showing off my mad photography skillz. And know I will introduce the creatures...

Here we have a very spooky skeleton aka Nathan.

Batman aka Marcus

A hungry baby monkey we call James

Batman, dead demon creature aka Jason, dead geisha girl aka Brianna, and Angel aka Angel

Here is the ninja practicing his ninja chops tomorrow he will be known as Ryan

And of course an angel named Angel

I'm not sure what Uncle Chris was dressed as but it was pretty scary

Even Deedee was scared

Early New Year's resolution- I am dressing up too next year. I don't want to miss out on the fun!

Jason enjoying the fire before trick or treating. Maybe he is getting up his strength to carry all that candy.

Batman running to save an angel in distress

A dead geisha twirling here beautiful cloak

This is always such a great neighborhood to trick or treat in. So many houses go all out. This house in particular is one of my favorites. There are so many people dressed up and trying to scare everyone as they walk past, including me. The guy with a bat tried to sneak up on me twice and would have scared me good if it weren't for my sister and Marcus warning me. Marcus wanted no part of this house and had my hand in a death grip till we got two houses past it.

This was a garage band putting on a concert in their driveway. They were pretty good! The house right next door to them had a cotton candy machine and were handing it out freshly spun to all the kids. Grown ups got jello shots too! Right across the street from them the house was putting on a chili cook off. Everyone that stopped by got to sample and vote. I heard number 1 was the best but I was too leary to try mystery chili. I am a baby.

James and my mom playing at the chili house

I don't know who this kid was but I thought the stilts were a pretty cool touch. Maybe I could add learning to walk on stilts to my resolution too.

I love this house too. Last year's theme was hippies. This year they were dressed up as the Mario Bros. Notice the question mark boxes on the wall. They also had the mario music playing too! Great attention to detail. Geesh Chris PLEASE pull those pants down about 6 inches you are scaring the children!

This house was right across the street from the scary house. They were really good about not scaring the kids but Marcus didn't believe me. I guess they were scary by association.

It was such a fun night, I am already looking forward to next year. Seriously though babe, you and I are dressing up next year, whatever you want to be as long as it doesn't involve me dressing like a, well we can discuss that next year.

1 comment:

Nicole Black said...

What a cool neighborhood! We are trick or treating with you next year! :)