Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

The last time Mike and I took the kids to the dog track, Jason asked which dog we were voting for. I figured that we probably weren't being responsible parents if that was what my children thought voting was. Today we decided to be responsible grown ups and set a good example for the boys. We Voted!

I think the poll worker could tell I was a newbie. He chuckled a little when I asked him where do I sign my ballot. Then he politely told me that the ballots were anonymous. DUH! Learn something new everyday right?

I am sure I will be up late tonight with my eyes glued to CNN
Go Obama we'll be rooting for you!

1 comment:

sarahbear0821 said...

its ok..next time you go vote you can consider yourself a veteran...remember when we were kids we got to vote also next to our parents? I'm sure they threw the ballots away as soon as we left but it was fun doing that.