Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Got Tagged

I got tagged by Nicole dang it. I wonder how long this virtual tag game has been going on. Anyway, here it goes....

5 Joys
-My family of course
-Photography, I didn't know I loved it until I got my last camera. Before that I thought I was just a horrible picture taker
-Eating unhealthy food
-Flip flops (I try to incorporate them into every outfit I wear)

5 Fears
-Butterflies, I know that sounds retarded but when I was little, one chased me when my family was camping and I have never been the same. I swear I remember it being the size of a dinner plate but my mom said it was average sized.
-Uncooked meat, I am freakish when it comes to this. I need all my chicken and steak near burnt and dry or I can't eat it.
-I am afraid to swim in lakes and the ocean because a fish might bump into me. Even a little fish brushing against me would make me scream.
-I have had the same dream at least once every couple of weeks for the last 11 years. It is really awful and I always fear that it is really a premonition.
-Lightning (see below)

5 Surprising Facts
-When I was 11, our house was struck by lightning while I was home with my sister and grandma. It actually caught on fire! It was the loudest thing I have ever heard in my life. I was the one that got everyone out of the house.
-When I was in 4th grade, I used to hate my PE teacher so much I forged a note excusing myself from PE for the rest of the year due to asthma. I thought it looked pretty legit but I got busted anyway.
-I had Nathan naturally (no epidural). This was not on purpose, I just did not make it to the hospital in time to get it. Oh I wished I would have got there earlier.
-Most everyone knows I met Mike at work but most people don't know that he was my boss. That's right I married my boss. Very scandalous.
-I've only gotten three trophies in my life. Two of them were for reading and the other one was for fishing. Yep, I was and am a big nerd.

5 Obsessions
-Diet Dr Pepper (I know this is very bad but I have one for breakfast everyday)
-Twilight, I just read all four books and loved it so much I am reading it again
-America's Next Top Model, it's an awful show but I can't help myself
-Coach anything, it goes against my frugal ways but I love it. I even have Coach glasses
-My kids and husband who make my world go round

That wasn't too painful. Hopefully I didn't put you to sleep, really I am not all that interesting. Since most of the people that read my blog don't have blogs you lucky duckies are safe. So Sarah, Tiffany, Amanda, and Melinda you're it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can still see you running from that butterfly with terror on your face. It followed you wherever you went! You had on a pink shirt with a flower on the front.