Monday, June 15, 2009

Someone please remind me what weekends are for

I'm so sore today. Weekends aren't supposed to make you sore are they?

This weekend I continued my quest to cover every white wall in the house. Painting is a work out! I step on the chair, off the chair, on the chair, off the chair. It's a shame that it is so tiring because I really do like it. I don't let Mike help at all. I want to do it all.

Mike had his hands full installing a few lights we found clearanced at Lowe's. He is my official electrician and I am so glad because I am scared of getting shocked. He knows what he is doing.

Nathan's room was our canvas first of the day. He chose a very nice sunny color and in the afternoon light it looks just like macaroni and cheese. It makes me hungry.

That cat is so loved. The kids are so pleased when she picks to sleep in one of their rooms at night. I don't tell them that as soon as I go to bed she runs into my room. She's a little snuggler.

It was really hard to get a picture of the paint because of the window. They all came out a little back lit.

I found this bookshelf out by the road down the street from our house while I was checking the mail. I think it is a desk hutch or something but it works out perfect as a book case too. I carried it back to the house by myself. By the time I was one house away I wasn't sure I was going to make it. That sucker is heavy!

After Nathan's room, I painted the downstairs bathroom. This was really a mini bathroom makeover. I wish I would have taken a before picture because you would probably be more impressed. Maybe I can describe it to you.

Before: We had dirty boring white walls, a landing strip of lightbulbs on a cheap generic lighting fixture, and three large gold colored rusted up hooks that were in place of a normal towel bar, and linoleum floors. Are you starting to visualize it?

After: We took down the old lighting and installed a towelbar to replace the hooks. I painted a blueish color to coordinate with the cinnamon colored curtain.

New light fixture. Fancy!We still have the linoleum but it really doesn't look too bad now that the rest looks better. I would like to get something with some red in it to hang on the wall but other than that I am very pleased with how it turned out and the project only costed $65!

When I wasn't painting this weekend I was treated to a puppet show by the boys. They made their own puppets out of brown paper bags. Can you guess who they are?

It is Dora and Boots.

We got to watch Dora, Boots, Santa, Pig, and Jack the frog have wrestling matches, save the world from terrorists, and reenact Dora shows. It was quite entertaining and I particularly liked the ones that involved Jack the frog.

After yesterday Mike and I both are feeling a little tired.

We will have to find some time to fit in some more of this. It won't be today though, Jason has to get xrays on his shoulder to see how it has healed and then we are off to my mom's house. It is going to be fun, we have a special activity planned with the kids.

1 comment:

DuckyPorkchop said...

It looks like the house is coming along great! How much do you charge because I have a whole house I need painted!