Thursday, June 11, 2009

Playdough and Planes

Okay I am starting to get a little stir crazy. We have one vehicle right now that Mike takes to work and that leaves me home with the kids all day after work. I need some fresh air! Maybe this weekend I will sneak out for a bit. Hopefully soon we will be getting a second mode of transportation.

The boys haven't been swimming in a couple days since it is so cold outside. (Their words not mine.) It has been 93 degrees, brrr.. Instead they have been entertaining themselves indoors. Their newfound interests are playdough and paper planes.

Currently our dining room table looks like this most days. They love to create intricate items that I can't recognize but I pretend I can. Earlier Marcus showed me one to which I replied, Oh Marcus that is a cool doughnut. He said, Mom that is a spaceship! Me and my big mouth. Next time I will just stick with, Wow that is cool! Most of the creations end up as ammo for the playdough war that always breaks out at the end. Boys.

Someone needs a haircut this weekend.

Paper airplanes have also been the rage lately at our house. They love to make paper planes and try to modify them with paper clips and scissors to make them faster or spin. I prefer the planes over the playdough but whatever keeps the kiddos entertained is alright with me. James likes the planes too but for different reasons. They make an irresistible noise to him when he crumples them. It's usually Marcus' plane he gets a hold of and that makes Marcus very sad.

I have been trying to find a fun cheap project I can do with the boys. I was thinking maybe a decoration for their room would be cool. If you know of any would you email it to me? I am not creative at all and I need some help.

1 comment:

Katie Barth said...

Hello my favoriote sister in law-i was thining of projects you guys can do and I might have come up with's hit or miss. Having no kids, i have no idea how these things are going to be percepted. goes guys could get clock dials, no faces or numbers or anything and put the dials on the wall in the room. THEN, instead of the numbers, the boys could draw things they do at certain times of the day or whatever. and instead of nailing or painting them onto the wall. you could use velcro tape and put little squares on the wall where all the numbers would be and then put teh other half on the velcro on whatever they want to put up there. That way the "numbers" could change too. I don't know if this would be confusing for learning time or helpful....just an idea for something fun they could create that would be functional too......miss you guys. Can't wait to come out and visit and see the new place!

Aunt Katie