Monday, September 29, 2008

Little Beckhams

It's soccer season again! Here are a few highlights of this weeks games. Nathan scored the first goal of the game. Jason's team didn't have enough players so Nathan played in his game too with the older kids to help out his brother. He was sort of scared but did awesome and actually scored a goal in that game too!

When I look at this picture, I can just hear coach Marvin yelling something like "Go Marcus, take it to the house!" We love coach Marvin. Marcus scored a goal in his game also! Go Sharks!!

Jason played goalie the whole game but that is because he is such an awesome goalie. I lost count of how many stops he made but it was a ton!

What do you do for entertainment in between games? Go bug hunting of course! Jason and Marcus found this disgusting beetle and were trying to catch it. Except I think Marcus was scared of it. The beetle was always "a little too far away" for him to get to.

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