Wednesday, September 17, 2008

High fashion fella....

So Jamie had his doctor's appointment yesterday. Our little man is now a whopping 19lbs 4oz and 28" tall! That puts him in the 90th percentile for both! What can I say he loves food. He did so good at the Dr's office up until he got his shots. The poor little guy felt so betrayed. He thought him and the nurse were cool. He was smiling at her and eating her stethoscope and being all friendly. Then she took out the needles (which he was also trying to grab and eat by the way). Three shots and two bandaids later he was one unhappy boy. As soon as I picked him up he was fine. He kept his eye on that nurse though. Then we went home. He was fine that night but the next day he wasn't feeling so good. He had a fever and threw up once. Poor little guy. I called his Dr and they assured me that throwing up is normal and to give him some Tylenol which I did and he felt much better.... Here we are getting better while rocking in the glider. Don't mind me I wasn't picture ready.

Once Mike went to work and Jamesy was feeling better, we got a little bored and I knew just how to cheer him up.... a fashion show! James has been dying to try on his new fall season digs so we were both excited. Okay so the pants look a little short but seriously they are size 12 months and they are just riding up a little, and yes his hair is always like that it never lays down...

Hey mom wait I'm not ready yet!
As you can see this is clearly his favorite outfit. Just look at that smile! If you notice in a few of these pictures you can see a remote control. This is called bribery. As in, don't cry James and you can gnaw on this remote for a while....
As you can see the remote diversion is no longer working and we have moved on to the pacifier. This picture is highlighting his very trendy hoody jacket. You can't see it but there is a cool camoflauge eagle on the back of it that matches this outfit perfectly. I love Koala Kids clothes. James says "are you serious mom? You do know it's 98 degrees outside and you got me in this jacket???"

Alright I guess I got a little carried away. Maybe we should wait until it's a little cooler to do our fashion shows. Good job anyway little man thanks for being such a good sport!!

1 comment:

sarahbear0821 said...

Aww what a trooper, I'm sure he loved the fashion show as much as I did. Love the blog, can't wait to see what you put up next. :)