Friday, May 15, 2009

Play Date

Well, it was actually more like a stroller date.

James and Brody finally got to meet for the first time today. I was super excited since James hasn't really ever been around any kids his own age. James and Brody are only 2 days apart! The only time James has been around another child close to his age was at his last well check appointment. There was a fifteen month old boy there and James kept being a bully and pushing him down.

While we were waiting for Nicole and Brody to arrive I entertained James and took some random pictures. James loves the camera.

James and Brody were so funny. They were so quiet and just sort of checking each other out. James seriously never really made a peep the whole time we hung out.

They were brothers in hawkhood since they were both sporting their super stylish mohawks.

We decided to get lunch since it was sizzling outside and we were all starting to get hungry. We ate at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. I had no clue what I was ordering since I have never eaten Greek food. I have heard of a gyro so I went with that and Nicole said Souvlaki (I still don't really know what it is) is good so I got that too. It was all very yummy.

James kept stealing Brody's food off of his placemat even though he had the exact same things in front of him. He is a food hoarder. Brody wasn't feeling the restaurant so Nicole took him outside for a little while to let him run around.

Back in the strollers. Cute little Brody wasn't very happy but he did let us check out a few stores. I think he started to figure out that this wasn't so much a play date for them as it was for us. He entertained himself by playing in the water he had put in his stroller tray. James did his usual people watching and was still not making a peep.

Sorry Nicole, I had to post your Superman pose. We also figured out that the thing she is standing next to is a random giant rabbit statue. Not a donkey like I thought.

The boys were ready for naps and I had to get the boys from school so we had to leave. James was asleep in the van within five minutes. Maybe next time we will be nice and let them have a play date that involves a little more playing and a little less shopping.

1 comment:

deedee said...
