Friday, May 1, 2009

I am the worst mom ever

Do you ever have one of those days that you wish you could take back. I wish I could travel back about 12 hours and just shake myself! Today Marcus had a concert at school and guess who forgot. That's right, me. I have been so consumed with unpacking, James being sick (again!), home repairs, and a million other things that I forgot about the most important thing of the day!

Being there for my son.

Marcus ran to the van when I picked him up after school and yelled at me "Mom! Where were you?" Then he just started crying. That was when I felt like the worst mom ever. What kind of mom doesn't go to their child's concert?? I gave him a huge hug and told him how sorry I was but that isn't good enough and I know it.

I wasn't there.

I need to remember what is important even when there are a million other things going on. That is my job.

I will never miss another school concert again. Ever.

On a different note, notice anything different about this boy?

That's right, Mr Jason wears glasses now. I just recently found out that he has been sitting on the floor at the front of the classroom because he had been having trouble seeing. He had an eye appointment today and yes, he needed glasses.

I think they look pretty cute on him! Sort of Harry Potterish. Maybe for Halloween I will draw a lightning bolt on his forehead.

Now the million dollar question, how many days before he breaks them? Or hours.


sarahbear0821 said...

Aww its ok Becky I think at one point your bound to forget something! especially with so much going on. And Jason looks so cute! I need to come over and see the house..maybe this weekend? :) Yes i just invited myself

Anonymous said...

lo siento mi amiga,
It does happen and it feels awful but I am sure your one mistake has already been forgotton by your son.

It is rough but dont beat yourself up about it, we can't do it all!!