Friday, May 1, 2009


This was a bad idea, but for Easter my mom and I thought it would be fun if we had an Eggo waffle eating contest. We are both huge fans of Eggos and I was sure I could take her. I was so confident I even had a few rounds of sausage to go with it. I had made an early prediction that I could do about 12 waffles.


The first four were delicious!

The next two were tolerable.

The last two that I managed to take down were bordering on ruining my taste for eggos for the rest of my life.

I had to draw the line.

My hat goes off to the champion who easily pounded ten eggos and just had to rub it in by saying that two more would be no problem.


Amanda said...

See, you went wrong with the sausage. That's just filler. You can take her. Rematch!

DuckyPorkchop said...

I agree! A rematch is in order. I'll sell tickets and you guys can make money off of the event!