Monday, September 29, 2008

Little Beckhams

It's soccer season again! Here are a few highlights of this weeks games. Nathan scored the first goal of the game. Jason's team didn't have enough players so Nathan played in his game too with the older kids to help out his brother. He was sort of scared but did awesome and actually scored a goal in that game too!

When I look at this picture, I can just hear coach Marvin yelling something like "Go Marcus, take it to the house!" We love coach Marvin. Marcus scored a goal in his game also! Go Sharks!!

Jason played goalie the whole game but that is because he is such an awesome goalie. I lost count of how many stops he made but it was a ton!

What do you do for entertainment in between games? Go bug hunting of course! Jason and Marcus found this disgusting beetle and were trying to catch it. Except I think Marcus was scared of it. The beetle was always "a little too far away" for him to get to.

Won't this weekend end already??

We had a great weekend planned with lots of fun stuff going on. The boys had soccer games on Saturday. Jason and Nathan were doing a triathalon on Sunday and we were going to my aunt and uncle's house for a family get together. Great weekend right? Wrong.... Friday night the air conditioning goes out and the house turns into a sauna within hours. The boys had soccer and the games were great but it was ridiculously hot. Way too hot for James but what are we going to do take him home to the sweatbox? Jason's team didn't have enough players to sub anyone in and out so all the kids were feeling sick and overheated after halftime. We spent the night at Ryan's house since we still weren't able to contact our property management company who was ducking our calls about the AC, but we were still excited about the rest of the weekend's events.

Sunday morning we woke up bright and early for the triathalon since the boys had to be there to register at 7am. The triathalon was great up until the part where Nathan's bike chain fell off halfway around the lake. There was supposed to be someone riding behind the last rider so that none of the kids are left behind, but they just rode right on past Nathan and just left him out there. Poor Nathan was just stuck out there all by himself with a busted bike and no one to help him. Mike ran out there when we finally figured out where he was and got his chain back on and even though he was obviously upset and fighting back tears, Nathan still wanted to finish the race. What a trooper! So he goes over to the swimming pool and the officials tell him he can't finish the race because they already started the next group and to just go to the finish line. What kind of inconsiderate people are these !! I thought that was the whole point of a triathalon was to finish the race no matter what place you come in. He has already had the worst day he has had in a long time and now he can't even finish their stupid triathalon!! He has to go to the finish line where the crowd of people who were cheering the kids on have now left and the only one there for him is me in tears. I am sorry Nathan. I'm sorry I talked you into that stupid triathalon. I'm sorry those people let you down. I'm sorry we bought you a crappy no name Walmart bike. I'm sorry you didn't even have the chance to feel so proud of yourself like Jason did at the end of the race. I'm sorry I let you down. You know, it's amazing how mad you can get at people when it comes to your kids. I will leave out the parts where we were yelling at the event coordinators.Trust me, they heard from us a lot and they did apologize to Nathan.

You get the idea, it was just another crappy part of our weekend we wanted to forget about. At least we had a great time at Rick and Sharon's house. We spent the night at Ryan's house again Sunday and went back home on Monday since I had to be at work. I work from home so it was a sweaty nasty long five hours but I got through it and our AC is now finally working. I am sure next weekend will be much better and I won't have to leave anymore angry posts on here. Of course it wasn't all bad. There were some good parts too. I will post about those next.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hangin with the Fam.....

So this weekend we got to hang out with Mike's aunt Mena and uncle Tom from Michigan, his cousin Nate and his wife Kaci who live in Tucson. We all got together at Ryan's house for some food and football. Fun stuff!! Ryan is the one in the red shirt, Nate is in the green, Mena is in the white shirt, Tom is in blue, and Kaci is in the back I am not sure what color that shirt is but I do know she is making some yummy homemade macaroni!

Tom and Mena finally got to meet James for the first time. Tom meet James, James meet Tom.

Mena meet James, James meet Mena. Mena quit teasing James with the bottle.

The boys love going to Ryan's. They get to swim until their eyes burn and play all his cool games like hockey and this super sweet golf arcade game that I should know the name of but I forgot. They also enjoy terrorizing Ryan's two cats, especially Nathan.
These are some pictures of the boys playing a game they made up called raft wars. I still haven't figured out what the object of the game is but they play it for hours. It usually ends with Marcus crying.

So here is a perfect example of what 50% of my day entails. Here is a picture of Marcus telling on Jason because he stole Marcus' seat when he got up. I am sure every family has a rule on this right? Our rule is if you get up your seat is fair game. Sorry buddy rules are rules.
This turned into the boys hangout. They are all gathered around that golf game that I can't remember the name of. Oh and there is Ryan in the red shirt and Nate is in the green shirt and the super sweet Reno 911 moustache.

I know... I post more pictures of James than of the other boys and I did feel guilty about this at first. Then I figured I did the same thing when the other boys were young, I was always taking pictures of them then but I didn't have a blog then.... or a computer. Plus James is always nearby to take pictures of and he doesn't run as fast.

Here's James again sleeping on dad with his super soft cute new loopie. We all had an awesome time and can't wait till you come visit again Uncle T and Auntie M so we can get together again. Nate and Kaci we are coming down to Tucson sometime soon. Seriously.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Amatuer night.....

Jason and Marcus decided to have karaoke/band night a few weeks ago. Jason is singing and Marcus is on the drums (aka box with shish kabob skewers). It was the cutest thing ever.
Jason loves to sing. He used to sing himself to sleep at night when he was little... sometimes I still hear him.

Marcus was just happy to be included in the band.

Nathan decided bands aren't his thing (too many groupies). He decided he would take time out to brush up on his Mario skills instead.

High fashion fella....

So Jamie had his doctor's appointment yesterday. Our little man is now a whopping 19lbs 4oz and 28" tall! That puts him in the 90th percentile for both! What can I say he loves food. He did so good at the Dr's office up until he got his shots. The poor little guy felt so betrayed. He thought him and the nurse were cool. He was smiling at her and eating her stethoscope and being all friendly. Then she took out the needles (which he was also trying to grab and eat by the way). Three shots and two bandaids later he was one unhappy boy. As soon as I picked him up he was fine. He kept his eye on that nurse though. Then we went home. He was fine that night but the next day he wasn't feeling so good. He had a fever and threw up once. Poor little guy. I called his Dr and they assured me that throwing up is normal and to give him some Tylenol which I did and he felt much better.... Here we are getting better while rocking in the glider. Don't mind me I wasn't picture ready.

Once Mike went to work and Jamesy was feeling better, we got a little bored and I knew just how to cheer him up.... a fashion show! James has been dying to try on his new fall season digs so we were both excited. Okay so the pants look a little short but seriously they are size 12 months and they are just riding up a little, and yes his hair is always like that it never lays down...

Hey mom wait I'm not ready yet!
As you can see this is clearly his favorite outfit. Just look at that smile! If you notice in a few of these pictures you can see a remote control. This is called bribery. As in, don't cry James and you can gnaw on this remote for a while....
As you can see the remote diversion is no longer working and we have moved on to the pacifier. This picture is highlighting his very trendy hoody jacket. You can't see it but there is a cool camoflauge eagle on the back of it that matches this outfit perfectly. I love Koala Kids clothes. James says "are you serious mom? You do know it's 98 degrees outside and you got me in this jacket???"

Alright I guess I got a little carried away. Maybe we should wait until it's a little cooler to do our fashion shows. Good job anyway little man thanks for being such a good sport!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Magic at Grandma's

This Saturday we went to my mom's house. The boys LOVE going over there, it's like Christmas to them (not in the sense that they get a bunch of stuff, I mean more like the excitement level of Christmas). It was the big day. My mom was going to give them her old Magic the Gathering cards. She split them between all four kids. I must say they have practically been playing with the cards all weekend long, thanks grandma!!
My mom made Marcus this giant race car pillow. This is him right after he got it. It's hard to believe but she said she actually decided to make the pillow smaller! I'm sure he is smiling because he has just been given the ultimate pillow fighting weapon.
James decided to go exploring in his ride. He loves his walker, it's his new favorite thing. What an independent boy he is!
Here is the beginning of the handing out of the Magic cards.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Boy Rules

Okay, so you have met the crew. I am sure there aren't a lot of parents that have four boys and no girls who may be curious as to what this is like. Let me try to explain.....

1. Anytime you have more than two boys in the same room a wrestling match is going to break out, guaranteed.

2. Even though they look little, they have very loud voices that make it impossible to stay sane most of the time.

3. After age 8, boys can and will eat as much as an adult so be prepared

4. I have learned from experience, that a wall will be damaged in some way in the very near future.

5. When that wall is damaged it will be a direct result of #1 and nobody will know exactly what happened.

6. Boys will wear whatever you buy for them no questions asked.

7. I am not sure why yet, but the difference between having three boys and having four is mind boggling.

8. The part I like about boys the best is they are all and will always be mama's boys

Friday, September 12, 2008

Poker night

So this past weekend, Mike and I decided to have a poker night with the boys. We really wanted to play tripoley but after a trip to three different stores with no luck, we decided poker would be fun too. I helped Nathan and Mike and Marcus played together. James watched us play while sucking on his zweiback toast. He has a knack for getting that toast everywhere. By everywhere I mean from the top of his head to inside his diaper. Pretty impressive, but that's another story. So we are playing texas holdem and the boys are really into it. Jason likes to bluff a lot and he always tries to peek at everyone's cards. I caught him trying to see mine little cheater. Nathan gives away his hand as soon as he sees his cards. If he gets good cards he say's something like "yes!" or "alright!" and then we all fold. It's so funny! Marcus understands that face cards are better and is disappointed if Mike wants to fold. So anyway it was a fun night, I wish I would have taken a picture of my little gambling buddies. I probably shouldn't be teaching them poker but they gotta start sometime right? I am sure uncle Tom would agree.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


This past August we took a family vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii to attend Mike's sister Anne's wedding. Ahh Hawaii, the most relaxing place in the world. Well it's at least the most relaxing place I have ever been. Even James could tell we weren't at home. He slept like a dream every night and was such a happy little baby the whole trip. All the older boys wanted to do was play at the beach everyday. They would have preferred to not see the erupting volcano or the amazing waterfall or anything else Hawaii has to offer if it meant they got to go to the beach and boogey board. So that is what we did most of the time. I must say, snorkeling is pretty amazing, and even though I was terrified that a fish might touch me, I can't wait to go and do it again someday. I think the sun is a little closer to Hawaii because no matter how many times you apply spf 50 you still look like a lobster. James got a little Hawaiian tan too. We could tell because the little folds in his wrists were still pale. I hope someday we will be able to take the kids back there. Maybe I could drag my non flying mom too.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Cuties


Here's Jason. He is my social butterfly. I have never known anyone that can make friends as easily as him. He is such a loving boy with a big heart. He reads stories to his little brother and loves to play with James. Jason is a huge Harry Potter fan and just finished reading the last book. He is an amazing reader and loves any kind of sport. Something I love about Jason is he isn't scared to try anything. Whether it be walking up to a bunch of kids he doesn't know or doing a triathalon, Jason has no fear. I wish I was like that.


Nathan is the quiet one with all the brains. He always gets straight A's and his teachers always want to take him home. His favorite thing to do (besides play video games) is to read Garfield comics. He has a great sense of humor that seems mature for his age. Something I love about Nathan is that he is not a follower. He does exactly what he wants to do and that's it.


Marcus is my sweetie pie. He is my little snuggler. Marcus has a huge heart and always lets me know how much he loves me. His favorite things to do are to help cook, ride his bike, and help Mike and I with whatever we are doing. Something I love about Marcus is he always tells me he loves me out of the blue. He will stop playing and just tell me he loves me. He is my little sweetie pie.


James is my happy little man. He is the perfect baby. He has the most beautiful smile and chunky little thighs. He never cries unless he is hungry, and he always has a smile for everyone. His favorite thing to do is explore his new found freedom in his walker (especially the trash cans). He has the most contagious laugh and loves to talk. Something I love about James is he is a slow waker. When he wakes up I get to snuggle with him for a while and he will be so still and quiet. There is nothing like it. My precious little baby.