Sunday, September 14, 2008

Magic at Grandma's

This Saturday we went to my mom's house. The boys LOVE going over there, it's like Christmas to them (not in the sense that they get a bunch of stuff, I mean more like the excitement level of Christmas). It was the big day. My mom was going to give them her old Magic the Gathering cards. She split them between all four kids. I must say they have practically been playing with the cards all weekend long, thanks grandma!!
My mom made Marcus this giant race car pillow. This is him right after he got it. It's hard to believe but she said she actually decided to make the pillow smaller! I'm sure he is smiling because he has just been given the ultimate pillow fighting weapon.
James decided to go exploring in his ride. He loves his walker, it's his new favorite thing. What an independent boy he is!
Here is the beginning of the handing out of the Magic cards.


Anonymous said...

Look at those handsome boys! Great work on the blog!

Anonymous said...

What a nice family.The grandmother is very youthful, isn't she?

Butterfly said...

That is an awesomely big pillow!
I love your blog!