Monday, September 29, 2008

Won't this weekend end already??

We had a great weekend planned with lots of fun stuff going on. The boys had soccer games on Saturday. Jason and Nathan were doing a triathalon on Sunday and we were going to my aunt and uncle's house for a family get together. Great weekend right? Wrong.... Friday night the air conditioning goes out and the house turns into a sauna within hours. The boys had soccer and the games were great but it was ridiculously hot. Way too hot for James but what are we going to do take him home to the sweatbox? Jason's team didn't have enough players to sub anyone in and out so all the kids were feeling sick and overheated after halftime. We spent the night at Ryan's house since we still weren't able to contact our property management company who was ducking our calls about the AC, but we were still excited about the rest of the weekend's events.

Sunday morning we woke up bright and early for the triathalon since the boys had to be there to register at 7am. The triathalon was great up until the part where Nathan's bike chain fell off halfway around the lake. There was supposed to be someone riding behind the last rider so that none of the kids are left behind, but they just rode right on past Nathan and just left him out there. Poor Nathan was just stuck out there all by himself with a busted bike and no one to help him. Mike ran out there when we finally figured out where he was and got his chain back on and even though he was obviously upset and fighting back tears, Nathan still wanted to finish the race. What a trooper! So he goes over to the swimming pool and the officials tell him he can't finish the race because they already started the next group and to just go to the finish line. What kind of inconsiderate people are these !! I thought that was the whole point of a triathalon was to finish the race no matter what place you come in. He has already had the worst day he has had in a long time and now he can't even finish their stupid triathalon!! He has to go to the finish line where the crowd of people who were cheering the kids on have now left and the only one there for him is me in tears. I am sorry Nathan. I'm sorry I talked you into that stupid triathalon. I'm sorry those people let you down. I'm sorry we bought you a crappy no name Walmart bike. I'm sorry you didn't even have the chance to feel so proud of yourself like Jason did at the end of the race. I'm sorry I let you down. You know, it's amazing how mad you can get at people when it comes to your kids. I will leave out the parts where we were yelling at the event coordinators.Trust me, they heard from us a lot and they did apologize to Nathan.

You get the idea, it was just another crappy part of our weekend we wanted to forget about. At least we had a great time at Rick and Sharon's house. We spent the night at Ryan's house again Sunday and went back home on Monday since I had to be at work. I work from home so it was a sweaty nasty long five hours but I got through it and our AC is now finally working. I am sure next weekend will be much better and I won't have to leave anymore angry posts on here. Of course it wasn't all bad. There were some good parts too. I will post about those next.


Nicole Black said...

OOh! I have already told you this, but those people make me so mad. I still CANNOT believe they wouldn't let poor Nathan race! Erg! But, don't beat yourself up. I totally understand you feeling guilty, but it was not your fault! It was the crappy event people's fault. We should hold our own triatholon...and let everyone race and everyone finish!

Butterfly said...

OMG!! Poor Nathan!!! That is horrid they wouldn't let him finish!!!