Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Performance

Tonight the boys had their Christmas concert. Sadly, Mike had to work so he missed it. We got there early since I knew it would be tough to find a seat with room for the stroller. James was an angel all the way up to performance time. As soon as it started, all he wanted was the camera, the keys, the hair that belonged to the lady next to me, or to be on the nasty floor. He got all that he wished for. Except for the lady's hair. The few times when he was happy in his stroller, he kept honking the horn on his steering wheel which got us lots of attention. Here they are in all their cuteness. Lucky for you, you get to see the highlights of the performances without having to sit on a really hard bleacher with some lady's knees in your back.

1 comment:

Butterfly said...

omg too cute, Marcus looks like he is hating Christmas concerts right now!!
Thx for sharing