Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some befores and not quite afters

I'm sure you are just dying to see pictures of the new house. And since we moved way out into the boonies it will probably be a while before anyone comes to visit us. We, and by we I mean I, aren't quite done with all the decorating yet but you get the idea.

This was sort of before. The painting had already been started so the walls don't looks so delicious as they did at first. Notice the knobless pantry though, all the doors in the house looked that way.

Much better. We got all the appliances off of Craigs List and I even splurged on a fancy dishwasher. It actually cleans the dishes without having to wash them before I put them in. Imagine that!

Eventually we would like to put in tile in all the downstairs, and update the counters and cabinets. Who doesn't want to upgrade their kitchen right? For now we will enjoy what we have.

We had our first handyman out last week to fix our leaky kitchen sink. He also installed the hot water line to the dishwasher. Now if we could just get our icemaker to work we'll be all set!

Front living area before...

Dark semi after picture. This is the one room I am not really too fond of yet. This is the first room you walk into when entering the house. Our big dining room table has to go in here and we also put the second tv and video games in here too. There really isn't anyplace to put a couch or chairs to sit so you just sort of pass through the room. I'll have to figure something creative out for this room.

The boys have gotten right back into their normal routine as you can see.

Living room before picture


A work in progress but already it is my favorite room in the house. We need to hang up our wall decor and I would like to get a cream colored shag rug and a few blue throw pillows that match the curtains but it's a comfortable room.

I will have more pictures soon. Things are definitely coming along. Kiddos are hungry now and I also have a hungry kitten so I better get back to my motherly duties!


DuckyPorkchop said...

The new place looks awesome! I have to admit you are further along than me and I've already been in my house for a year.

Anonymous said...

I love it!!! I am still so excited for you all!!