Friday, May 22, 2009

Graduation Day

My babies are growing up!!!

School is officially out for the summer. The boys had their last day today and it was basically party day. They didn't have to take back packs, instead they took board games to school. Then at the end of the day they had their stepping up ceremony. I forgot to take my camera but it really wasn't needed unless I wanted to post some pictures of the backs of strangers heads. I couldn't see anything!

Each of the boys got an award. Jason's award was for being the most friendly person in his class. Who would have guessed that one right? Nathan got a journalism award for being the best writer in the class. I beam with pride on that one. And Marcus' got the Golden Rule award, which is for always treating others how you want be treated. He told me that was the best award.

I will really miss the boys' school. Before this school, I used to be naive and think that there really wasn't a such thing as a good school, only good kids with good parents. I was so wrong. Nowhere else have I seen a school where all the staff and teachers are so caring, helpful, and just all around great people. Everyone in the office knows my kids names, including James. I actually woke up this morning and decided I needed to write thank you notes to the boys' teachers which I have never done before. Maybe I am just getting old and sappy. I hear that happens as you age.

Marcus' teacher made one of these books for each of the kids to take home today. It is so cute and I am sure she worked hard on them. She took a picture of Marcus every month and did a sort of scrapbook page with his art and writing.

I had to restrain myself from posting every single page of the book.

I really hope their next school has great teachers like this one does.

Now that the boys are out of school I am sure my creative juices will kick into gear. I usually try to find different "free" things for the boys to do instead of be lumps all summer. I am sure by July I will be counting down the days until they go back.

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