Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why boys are the more economically sound choice

When I decided to have kids I made the decision to only have boys. I know girls are cute and stuff but since I knew I would be having four children I knew I wanted to make the most economical choice for our family. After lots of internal debate I came to the conclusion that boys are cheaper. Here are my reasons.

1. Wrestling is the preferred method of play and that is free!
2. Home buzz cuts save a small fortune.
3. We never have to buy them scrunchies, curling irons, blow dryers, special hair products, etc.
4. No feminine products
5. No bras or makeup
6. Soap is often forgotten when taking a shower which means the soap lasts forever.
7. Boys hardly ever need toilet paper, cha-ching!
8. Boys don't care what they wear. They can get by with only three outfits and would be perfectly cool with that.
9. Boys only need one pair of shoes. Sneakers. That's it.
10. Hotwheels and dirt are much cheaper than Barbies and tea sets.

The list could go on but these were the big ones. Although the biggest reason for me choosing to have boys is not on the list since it doesn't have anything to do with money. The main reason for having boys is so I won't have to go through the Hell I put my mom through when I was a rabid teenage girl.

Plus boys are mama's boys.


Mom said...

You're not kidding about that, but I wouldn't change it for anything!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a girl next just to feel what it is like. Ha Ha HA