Saturday, September 19, 2009


I suffer from allergies. I have had them since I was little. For me they bother me mostly when the seasons change. When I had kids I hoped that I would not pass my allergies on to them.

The good news is I did not pass on the same allergies that I suffer from to them.

The bad news is that it seems that the boys suffer from a rare form of allergy that their doctor has no cure for. I noticed it a few years back when the boys seemed to be inside the house all day long. I figured it was just the summer heat at first and just ignored it. Then when fall came around and the weather was beautiful but still no children were frolicking outdoors I knew something was terribly wrong. The light bulb finally went off when I tried to send the kids outside and they pleaded with me not to send them out there. Their bodies quivered with fear and their eyes were welling up with tears. Nathan begged me to let him clean the house instead. Jason asked if he could take care of James in exchange for the presidential pardon.

My kids were suffering. Outdoor allergy is serious. Doctors have yet to find a cure. I have been trying my own home remedies. I started with toys. We bought all sorts of outdoor games but still the boys were extremely irritated when they were outdoors for prolonged periods. Then I tried Otter Pops. These were helpful but only lasted about 45 seconds. Today I think I found the cure.

I was desperate. I wanted my boys to be healthy. Allergies are terrible and I hate to see them suffer. I decided to give them a very large dose of mandatory outdoor time and lo and behold, we found the cure!

The first twenty minutes were torture. They scratched and clawed at the locked door. They pouted and they yelled but I held firm. Then the miracle happened. They started playing.

They wrestled, they laughed, they got dirty and sweaty, and they were actually happy. Miracles do happen.

James also seems to have gotten bit by the allergy bug. His has manifested into a crib allergy. His crib makes him feel so miserable that today he actually climbed out of it all by himself. Poor baby, he must be just suffering in there to want to get away so bad he feels the need to jump. I think I have just the cure for this one. A crib lid.

Now if I could just find a cure for their towel bar allergy....

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