Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fisher Price is boring

James really despises anything that he is allowed to play with. In fact, if you try to give him a ball or a toy car it usually causes him to go into convulsions onto the floor. This is sure to be followed by screaming, kicking, and a displeased look from mom.

That is our new routine doesn't that sound fun!

Instead of his dumb baby toys, James has professed his love to anything with a button, switch, door, latch, knob, and so on and so on. His sudden infatuation with the plug outlets and cabinet doors sparked an emergency trip to Walmart last week for baby proofing paraphernalia. His new favorite activity is one that dad came up with one day while I was working. It's called flip the switch.

Dad parks a chair underneath the runway of light switches and plops James on the chair. He will stand there for an entire half hour flipping those switches and giggling each time a light goes on or off.

After a half hour I am sick of the strobe light show in the kitchen, but who could deny that smile of his simple pleasure. I am just hoping real toys come back in style some time soon.

1 comment:

Nicole Black said...

That is too cute! Brody also loves light switches, buckles, buttons, latches, doors etc. James is so cute!