Friday, August 28, 2009

Bye Bye Pool

Even though today temperature was a stifling 114 degrees, we decided last weekend it is about that time to take down Old Blue. The boys really haven't been swimming nearly as much as they had been and if we want to be able to save it for next year we wanted to get it down before grass starts growing through the liner.

Plus Mike and I are really starting to miss our little yard.

We started last weekend by draining the pool. This was no easy task considering our yard is about the size of our living room and the pool holds roughly 4,000 gallons of water.
We decided to drain a little a day and as the water soaked in we drained more.

Marcus decided to go for one last dip in the halfway drained pool.

To my horror, on Tuesday I went outside to find Jason and Nathan both "helping" by pushing down the sides of the pool to drain water in the already completely flooded yard. The water flooded not only our yard but both of the neighbors as well.

I was too embarrassed to go let the neighbors know what happened. I have never met our only remaining next door neighbors and I am hoping that the handicap placard hanging in their minivan means that they never use or look at their backyard to notice it. If they did we probably aren't their favorite people.

Now our pool looks like this. We have to keep flipping it to get it completely dry. Hopefully tomorrow we can pack it all up and pull back that blue tarp to reveal the huge brown circle of dirt underneath. At least we will be able to mow again.

And I will be able to plant my new gardenia plant. I need to hurry and get it in the ground before I kill it. Not that I won't kill it when it's in the ground but still. You get the idea.

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