Thursday, February 19, 2009

Offer Accepted!!!

We just got the word today that our offer was accepted and we are officially going to be home owners!! We are going to buy a six bedroom house! I can't believe it! We can paint our walls blue if we want, we don't have to sneak in pets to avoid pet deposits, we don't have to move the boys to new schools every year. We will be home owners and that is an incredible feeling. Tomorrow we go to sign the papers officially putting us in escrow. If all goes as planned we will be moving for the last time in a long long time sometime in mid April!

Here is a picture of OUR house with our very own tree in the front.

This is OUR kitchen which at the moment has no appliances or faucet and has not so pretty counters, but it's ours and I love it!

And our back yard which is the tiniest thing in the world but with six bedrooms and a park right behind us who the heck cares! Oh and look, there is our other tree.

I can picture us here. Making breakfast in the morning, doing laundry, playing Tripoly at the table, watching movies on Friday night, birthday parties, dancing around the house while we clean, the boys wrestling, I can see it all. This is the house my boys can call home. We are taking them to go see it this weekend and I can't wait to show them. I can hardly wait until they get home from school to tell them we got it!

Mike and I now have new pet names for each other. As he was leaving I told him "Goodbye, I love you home owner" to which he replied "I love you too home owner" which made me feel all giddy inside all over again. We are big dorks.


DuckyPorkchop said...

Congrats! It looks like an awesome house! I'll have to make Sarah bring me by once you're moved in so that you can show it off.

sarahbear0821 said...

YAAAAAY! I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations. I can't wait to see the house.

Nicole Black said...

AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am screaming in excitement for you! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Huge CONGRATS! I am so excited for you...this is great...I don't think Rick knows yet; will have to mention to him...okay, gotta go-- very tired (sick) and doing the dishes took it out of me -- anyway, Love and TONS of good wishes, Sharon, Rick, Amanda, Daniel and Cutie (Amanda would be upset if I didn't include Cutie)