Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fresh Air

After the boys got home from school today we decided to get out of the house (and away from the fridge) for a little while. Since the scooter isn't working at the moment Mike has been taking the van to work which leaves me at home all day. Lately I have been going stir crazy. Fresh air was definitely needed.

They each chose a different mode of transportation for the walk. Nathan chose his skateboard that he got for Christmas. He is getting pretty good at it now and is super motivated to learn since a lot of his friends ride them.

Marcus chose what he always chooses, his bike. He always leaves us in the dust but knows to wait for us to catch up before crossing the street.

Jason wore his skates. He loves them but they are officially too small for him. It took him 10 minutes to finally get his foot smooshed into them.

Once we got to the park the boys enjoyed some freedom. They played basketball which was far away from mom. I stayed with James in the sand pit and kept my distance.

Nathan found a couple fellow skateboard buddies to hang out with.

Even Marcus found someone to play with. Audrey is his friend who just happens to be a girl from school. Don't you dare call her a girlfriend or you will feel his wrath. Actually, there are quite a few girls at school that are sweet on Marcus. At the playground in the morning they always make sure they say hi to him.

Today was the first time I actually let James play in the sand. Normally we hang out in the grass but he has never really tried to eat it so I thought I would let him check it out. He loved it! He sat there for twenty minutes just picking it up and sprinkling it around. Not even once did he try to taste it.

Once he was done with sand sprinkling he spent the rest of the time playing with the soccer ball. James is obsessed with balls. He loves to throw them, roll them, chew on them, and anything else you can do to them.

We need to hang out here more often. The only thing that could have made our park visit better would be if Dad could have come too. Maybe this weekend we will invite him to go with us.

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