Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Police Again

Well this New Year's definitely topped my worst New Year's list. Our next door neighbor called the police on me, again.

Apparently, Nathan was throwing dirt clods against the wall to break them open and one went over the fence. Yes, that was definitely a stupid idea to throw dirt clods. He didn't break anything but the neighbor John thought he better have an officer come out and take a report. He thought we were throwing a dirt clod in retaliation for him calling the police the first time. This time the officer wasn't nearly as nice as the last one. I can only imagine all the things John told him. I'm sure he made me seem like the devil lady and he was a caring saint. The officer completely took John's side and told me I need to get control of my kids, he said they were going to take a report and if it happens again my neighbor could file a civil suit. My neighbor is also threatening to call CPS on me because my kids play in the front yard unsupervised. Really, at age 11 and 9 don't you think playing in the driveway and front sidewalk is okay? The way the officer took his side though made me feel just awful. The way he was judging me just from whatever my neighbor told him. He made me feel like I was the worst mother ever.

I admit it, Marcus kicked a soccer ball over his fence, Nathan threw a dirt clod over the fence. But could that really be all that is making him so hateful towards me and my kids? Maybe he doesn't like kids, maybe he doesn't like the fact that we are renting. The first thing his wife asked me when I introduced myself to her was if we were renting or buying. A very odd opening question, maybe that is their issue. Maybe they are racist, maybe they are just terrible people, or maybe it is me that is wrong. All I know is I spent the next few hours crying like an idiot. I felt so angry and hurt. Hurt by my neighbor and hurt by the officer. I always try to raise my children to be respectful good people. I feel like they are good boys, they are children though and they do dumb things sometimes. The ball over the fence was not one of them. The dirt clod was, but does that really require a police report?

All I can say is, I give up. You win John. I don't know what you want but you got it. If you wanted to hurt my feelings you got it. If you wanted to make sure my kids don't play with balls outside you got it. If you wanted to make me want to move you got it. I can't wait to move. If you wanted to ruin my New Year's celebration you definitely got it. Here I am at 1am on New Year's while everyone else in my house is going to sleep, and I am sitting here blogging about you with a big old dumb lump in my throat. You win.


Grampa said...

Becky I am sorry for all of your hurt you sure don't deserve it and you have great kids.Love, Uncle T

Anonymous said...

Your neighbor sounds like an A** - what a jerk - probably spends all his time just monitoring you and your children's movements.
As for the officer, he rushed to judgement when in fact his job requires him to be objective.
Just keep your head up and don't stoop down to their level -
Love - Sharon and family

Amanda said...

Awww I am so sorry he is at it again. What a miserable old man he must be.

Butterfly said...

What a F*cktard your neighbor is!!
I hate that he got his way and it is horrible the police officer took his side! How does he know your son threw the dirt clod so soon? Maybe he has cameras up!
What a jerk he is.