Monday, January 5, 2009


Does he look older? How about wiser. Well he should, Mike is 33 years old today! He is very excited about it because he says 33 is his lucky number.

Mike on his treasure hunt

We celebrated yesterday because he works today. The day started off with the kids hiding his presents and making him a present treasure hunt to find them, just like we do to the kids. We got him some very not so cool presents like new work shoes, jeans, and polo shirts. Not cool gifts but very necessary and he acted super excited to get them. Mike never buys himself new clothes/socks/underwear/shoes. This is why he receives them as gifts for birthdays/Christmas/Easter/Valentine's Day.

Then we made him his birthday cake. Cherry chip just like requested.

Mike at work

Then we went to the horse track, otherwise known as Mike's Disneyland. We were so close a couple times but no luck. Sadly, it was raining so the kids couldn't really play and James doesn't appreciate horse tracks yet so we didn't stay very long.

My sister came over after we got back and agreed to watch all four of my children so that we could go out. I'm thinking about buying her a medal for her bravery, four boys is no easy task. Usually when we get the opportunity to go out we will spend an hour or so asking each other, so where do you wanna go? I don't know, where do you want to go? This drives me insane. I have learned that it is a real downfall in a marriage to have two indecisive people who aren't real big on planning. That's us. This time I made sure that wouldn't happen. I planned to take Mike out to a German restaurant and then to go see a movie. We ended up at a bar/grill that we had a gift certificate for instead. So much for planning. We held hands, reminisced, and ate without interruptions, it was heavenly. Later, Ryan met us up there and then it was mostly us with a couple adult beverages talking, laughing, and betting the dogs. It was an off track betting bar of course.

We never made it to the movie but we had a great time. We finally won on our last bet so that was a nice way to end the night.

Happy Birthday to my cute, loving, ambitious, hard working, thoughtful, humorous, did I say cute, husband.

Me and the boys love you!


mena said...

Aunt Mena and Uncle Tom do too!
Happy Birthday, Mike!

Butterfly said...

Happy Birthday Mike!!!