Monday, January 12, 2009

Breakfast in Bed

This weekend was pretty boring and uneventful for us which is nice sometimes. I did try a few new recipes for dinner which was fun. Mike took the boys up to the park so they wouldn't be in the way. He knows just how awful I am at following recipes and didn't want me to screw up his dinner I am sure. I forgot how much I like to cook actually. Not that I don't cook, I do. It's just that there is usually two or three kids fighting over who is going to help me, who is going to stir, and who is going to pour what. Then there is usually a baby who is vocally demanding my attention and running me over with his walker too. Cooking without "distractions" is fun.

Aside from cooking, Marcus being the sweet little man that he is, decided to make Mike breakfast in bed. He woke him up with two pieces of buttered toast. Sort of. It was more like a stick of butter on cold toast. It's the sweetest thing, I know. I am just glad he decided to give Mike breakfast in bed and not me. I couldn't help but smile when Marcus laid there right next to him to make sure he ate every last bite.

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