Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How We're Doing

Life has been flying by as usual.

Mike and I have been working, him much more than me since I only work part time. He is still driving his scooter to work and finally got a helmet to wear. He is still obsessed with becoming a homeowner and I am still trying to disguise my disinterest. I have been spending all my free time hanging out with the boys. I have been thinking of trying to lose a few L B's but I think I need a drill sergeant to motivate me.

Jason is becoming a tweenager. Definitely seeing way more attitude and emotions. I see a few less smiles and he has grown a few more inches. I HATE IT! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I don't want my babies to grow up. I want them to be with me forever. I want them to give me a hug and kiss and tell me they love me every night for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll make them.

Nathan is still sort of shy. He still doesn't like to show his emotions but has started to hang around me during the day which is nice, and boy is he smart. Straight A's again for the quarter. I told him if he got straight A's for the year I would give him $100, I think he can do it no problem.

Marcus, *sigh* he has officially changed into one of those school attending children. Kinda hard to explain that but before he started school, I (Mike too) was the coolest person in his life. He was seriously the sweetest little boy ever. He is still sweet BUT he also learned that I am not that cool, how to lie, and how to talk back. At least now he knows how to count to 100, how to write all his letters, and how to read (a little).

James is giant now. He is crawling all over the place and can pull himself to standing. He copies us when we clap, shake our head and make certain sounds. He also can say yeah, mama, and dada. I'm sure he has no clue what they mean though. He still only has two teeth but can eat anything and everything. He's still such a happy laid back little man. Lately he has picked me to be his BFF. He will only play with his toys if I am sitting on the floor playing with him. If I get up he cries.

So that's what we have been up to. Grandma Mickey and Grandpa Ernie will be coming out to visit in less than two weeks. We are all excited to see them. Other than that we really don't have any eventful plans in the near future. With a family of six, I have learned that even without plans our days are never boring.

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