Thursday, July 30, 2009

Books! Books! Books! And a Baby

A few days ago the boys got letters from Uncle Tom which included gift cards to one of my all time favorite places. The bookstore! In typical fashion, the gift cards were burning holes in their pockets so we had to spend them immediately. We have been driving a lot lately doing some pet sitting errands and decided to stop off at Borders on the way.

James doesn't understand how much I like bookstores yet. I prefer to get lost in the aisles reading endless book backs. Instead I had to chase after this monster who insisted on pushing his stroller that he refuses to sit in. When a one year old refuses something like sitting in a stroller it sounds a lot like he is being tortured. So much so that I caved in and let the beast roam. He didn't hit any pedestrians but he did collide with a lot of displays and walls. He took the old hit and run approach, as soon as he saw me coming near he would take of running.

He ran to this little circle couch thing and climbed up. As I was closing in he took a bad step and did a swan dive into the O of the circle couch. He was okay but his pride was a little bruised up. After the fall he was fine with sitting in the stroller the rest of the time. Go figure.

The boys had a great time browsing the books. And if I tell you what they picked I bet you could guess which kid got what. One of them picked an action/adventure chapter book, someone else picked a little stuffed animal (a duck) and a dinosaur book, and the other picked a book of useless facts.

I couldn't go to the bookstore and leave empty handed. I got the last two books of the series I have been reading, The Southern Vampire series. And a book called The Hunger Games. That should last me at least a week.

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