Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Weekend....

We are loving the weather right now. FINALLY we can go outside and not melt. We can turn off the air conditioning. We don't have to plan our outdoor trips around how much shade will be at where we are going. This weekend was just too nice to be indoors so we got out and enjoyed it.

The boys had a blast washing the van. They each earned five dollars for doing it, which they all spent on new books. It kept them entertained for a couple of hours. I didn't tell them that we got a carwash the next day to get off all the soap that they left on. Seriously, we couldn't even see out the windshield.

Marcus with his cheesy smile

Nathan working on the windows. They all wanted to squeegee so they had to take turns. Who knew a squeegee was so much fun

Maybe they are contemplating what to do next. Or maybe they are just impressed with the water run off. You can see just how soaked they got.

Later on, we headed up to the park to burn off some endless energy and to enjoy more of the beautiful 75 degree weather.
Mike played some football with Jason and Nathan. He played the quarterback. It turned into quite a competitive game but it was all in fun. I think most things boys do turn into a competition.

Nathan preferred to play barefoot. I think he gets that from me. I love to take off my shoes in the soft grass, it feels like such a luxury in Arizona. We don't have much grass or tall trees round here

Jason going deep for a TD pass.

Marcus taking James for a ride

The seesaw had just enough seats

I tried this thing and almost fell right over the front. Obviously it's not meant for big kids like me. Marcus really liked it though.

Other things we did....

Made a few new recipes
Watched some football
Played board games
Bargain hunted for a cheap, safe, carseat
Watched the boy's soccer games
Went roller skating (I am proud to say I can still do it)
Visited my dad and little sister

Grandma Mickey will be out to visit on Tuesday and we can't wait! I will be taking lots of pictures for the next post, because with Grandma around there is always something fun going on!

1 comment:

Butterfly said...

Wow sounds like a busy time! Where do you get the energy!!!
Your boys are adorable and your "fake" baby is down right scary LOL