Friday, June 11, 2010

The REAL life of a soccer mom

I read a post from one of my favorite bloggers yesterday that has sort of stuck with me. She was talking about how bloggers tend to make their lives seem more perfect than reality. I agree with her thoughts. I probably do tend to post about the more happy, nice moments of my life but not to make my life look better, I do it because that is the stuff I want to focus on.

In reality my life is far from perfect and I am not ashamed to admit that. No one's life is. Here is my reality.

1. My house is dirty 75% of the day. I don't mean like heaps of stuff everywhere but there is always toys and shoes on the floor, always some dishes by the sink and my counter is never all the way cleaned off. If I were to try to keep my house perfectly clean all day I think I would lose my mind. I do clean it everyday, usually about 30 minutes before Mike gets home so he can relax in a nice clean house.

2. I am lonely. I'll be honest I don't really have friends. I've always had trouble making them and working from home doesn't help. My best friends are my mom and mother in law and I am so glad I am close to them but it would be so nice to have a good friend to share time with.

3. Everyone knows I love my boys. Love them to pieces. But sometimes I feel like I don't do enough with them. Like I don't know WHAT to do with them. Don't spend enough one on one time with them. Not sure I know how to be a good mother to them.

4. I worry that when my boys are older and have families of their own they won't be close to me anymore. That their wives won't like me, and their children won't be close to me.

5. I HATE playing board games. Always have always will.

6. I would be perfectly happy wearing pajamas all day every day. I work from home and don't go anywhere after that so what is the point of getting dressed? I do get dressed most days, but my hair is usually in a ponytail and I only wear my contacts on special occasions. Like days when I actually go somewhere HEE!

7. I don't know what I want to be. I will be 30 this year and I keep thinking I want to find a career doing something I love when James starts school, but for the life of me I can not figure out what I would like to do. I keep leaning towards something in the healthcare field but I'm intimidated by all the schooling I would need.

8. I hate making dinner. I never know what to make and I am terrible at following recipes. I love baking and would love to make a new dessert every single night. Baking makes me happy.

9. I am on my computer too much. I think I use it as an escape into my own little world.

10. I am self conscious about my teeth. They are crooked and they aren't white and they are ugly. I did the whole braces thing but after they were taken off my teeth went right back to their crooked ways. I can't justify spending money to do it again and I hate the dentist so I suppose they were just destined to be this way.

So there you have it. That is the truth and I ain't ashamed to say it. In fact I am proud of my insecurities and faults. It is part of me and I bet most of you can identify with me in some way.

If you have a blog I challenge you to do a post like this. It's really is liberating and fun!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

You are perfect just like you are!
I think you should be a writer when you grow up :^)