Thursday, June 17, 2010

Not much to share

We've just been enjoying our summer around here. I thought I would share some random pictures I had on the camera to show you what we have been up to lately.


Mike made solar shades for all the windows. It's supposed to do wonders for the electric bill. I don't even want to remember the fun we had putting on the second story screens. Just think, extension ladder, windy day, gravel, wife with shaky hands. It was an experience I would be fine not reliving.

Jason reads bed time stories to James like he used to read to Marcus. Whenever I walk in and see a moment like this my heart just flutters. What a great big brother.


The other day when I came out of the office after work I was greeted by cardboard homie robots. The boys had dug through all the recycle trash and built themselves outfits. So creative.

I am the gadget freak in the house. My weaknesses are computers and cell phones. I finally got to upgrade my phone earlier this month and got the HTC Evo. I spend way too much time playing with it. This phone is amazing.

Okay that is a fib. Mostly walking. We bought a cheap treadmill of craigslist last weekend. This was a very necessary purchase. I am seeing more and more elastic in my wardrobe and I need to start resisting it! For some reason I prefer to walk in a stuffy bedroom on a human hamster wheel as opposed to sunshine and fresh air.

Two days ago James had his first bowl of sugar cereal with milk. He's in love.

One of the boys' favorite things to do lately is to use the couch cushions to make forts. They use every blanket, cushion, and pillow in the house to make tunnels, bridges, and rooms. I don't mind, I love when they get creative.

So there you have it. There's some of the stuff that has been going on at our house. There's also been lots and lots of swimming going on too but I already posted about all that.

Hope your having a fabulous week!

1 comment:

Mom said...

You used to read to Sarah like that.