Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Wrong Lake

We had high hopes for hanging out at a nice cool lake today. Maybe explore a little in the pine trees or something. We set off early this morning with my dad and aunt Sharon to go to Lynx Lake and about halfway up we realized that the rain that was falling was only going to get worse in the direction we were going. Our choices were to go fish at a lake where the rain was most likely pouring, go home, or go to a different lake. Home was not an option since the boys really wanted to fish and fishing in the rain with no umbrella didn't sound like much fun so we opted for plan C. We decided to go to Lake Pleasant instead, which is like deciding to go to Reno, Nevada instead of Las Vegas. One is much more alluring than the other, and one lake is much cooler than the other.

We didn't let that get us down, we were there to have a good time. The boys were eager to start fishing as soon as we got there so Mike and my dad helped them with their poles while I helped James with his shoes. Those shoes ended up being an impossible task. James has the fattest little feet and they weren't going in those shoes. We ended up cutting them and putting in ghetto shoelaces to make them work.

The kids got all set up and started fishing.

And that's when James got bored.

There really wasn't a whole lot to entertain him. It was really rocky and the ground wasn't level at all so we couldn't let him walk without someone holding his hand. He started off dry and fully clothed.

Then he was just dry.

You see where this is going.

He loves the lake.

He is such a little ham. He spent quite a while in the water throwing rocks and jumping around.

Everyone else fished and had a little luck.

We caught some bait for grandpa's huge hook.

We only stayed for a few hours before it got way too hot for everyone. There was no shade and the sunscreen wasn't offering much protection. Next time before we go to the lake we will have to double check the forecast to make sure rain isn't in the immediate future. Never the less, we did get to fish and we had a good time.

1 comment:

Nicole Black said...

Hey Lady! So, Brody just sat really still and watched that video of his buddy James 2.5 times in a row. His head was real close to the screen and he was just smiling at James the whole time! I just caught up on your blog and died laughing of the naked picture of James wishing he was swimming and at the Father's Day post. Really, poop on the ceiling?! Really?! Thanks for the Ikea tip. I really do love those table and chairs, but there is no room in our little house for anymore stuff. So, we should plan another fun meeting soon...