Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Feel Better

Last night was a rough one. I felt so sick I pretty much just laid on the couch and didn't move all night. If I made one false move I was sure I was going to throw up. And we all know throwing up is the worst thing ever.

This weekend was an awesome one. My mom and Stan came over on Saturday and we made philly cheesesteaks. They were so delicious. The kids played so good together. We like visitors at our house.

Then on Sunday Mike and Stan took Nathan and Marcus to the Diamondbacks game. Jason didn't go because he spent the night at my mom's house. Rick had given Mike and Stan the tickets and they were awesome seats. I hear you could even see the numbers on the players uniforms without binoculars. The boys got free fitted Diamondback hats and after the game they got to go out on the field and run the bases. They had a great time.

While they were at the game, me and James hung out at my mom's house. We spent most of our time sewing ourselves pajama pants. I have never sewn anything before so it took quite a while. Four hours, three yards of fabric, and lots of seam ripping later I had a pair of comfy pajama shorts! I was very proud of myself for making them and even wore them to bed that night.

The next morning, Nathan and Marcus were trying to build a fort. They had seen the cool fort that Jason and Brianna had made and were trying to make themselves a cool one too. I felt bad for their two foot tall fort so I enlisted the help of Mike and made them an awesome fort of their own.

See me in my fancy pajama shorts? We built their fort around the dining room table and included the tv. How cool is that? A tv in your fort?

We even filled them up a refrigerator (an ice chest) for inside. James found the pretzels and looks very comfortable.

They loved the fort so much they spent the entire day in there. They even slept in it. Well, until 3am when they all went upstairs and got into their real beds.

This is officially my 200th post! I didn't think the blog would last that long and I am glad I was wrong. Hopefully I will be celebrating again after I have bored you all with another 200.

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