Thursday, June 4, 2009

Brotherly Love

I just found out today that Marcus charged Nathan a dollar to listen to him play the kazoo. And Nathan actually went along with it! Then earlier today I walked into the living room and saw Marcus' fort. That wasn't anything new but the sign he had in front of it caught my attention. It said 177. I asked him what it was and he said we had to pay $1.77 if we wanted to go inside his fort. I'm not sure what to make of all this, but I have a feeling he is going to be a business man when he grows up.

He didn't get any takers this time. I was fresh out of cash and he didn't accept credit cards.

Now onto the real brotherly love that has been going on.

James gives hugs now! I love it. I just ask him for a hug and he wraps those little arms around my neck and squeezes. This morning he was sweet on Marcus. He kept giving him hugs and trying to pull out Marcus' eyelashes. I'm not sure why he is obsessed with eyelashes but he is. It was the cutest thing though to see them hugging.

Nathan wanted to play with James too. He hid under the blanket and James attacked. James loves any attention he gets from his bigger brothers. Look how happy he is in that picture.

I love this picture.

I'm not sure about other families but in our house, brothers showing affection to one another is a rare site. Capturing it on camera is special.

Sorry for all the blurry pictures. I'm not sure what was up with that today.

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