Tuesday, June 9, 2009


That is the color Marcus chose for his room. Marcus and I painted on Sunday. That has sort of been a special project I had planned with the boys. They each get to paint their own room (with my assistance of course) in the color of their choice. That last part was difficult. I had to explain to them why sour apple green and construction cone orange, although very nice colors, are quite loud on the walls. There is a reason construction cones are that color right? They all chose very nice colors but I think I like Marcus' the best.

Marcus loved to paint. He only painted over the light switch twice and the carpet once. I didn't even bat an eye. I am such a cool mom. He loves his new monster truck poster and tells me everytime I tuck him in that his favorite is the one that shoots flames. Whichever one that is.

Their rooms are each starting to become "their room". I can see each of their personalities coming to life. Do you notice a little girl in this picture?

She's not nearly as little as she used to be. She was a naughty little kitty last night and decided to make a mess behind the tv. Three times. How am I supposed to get back there to clean that up? She's lucky she is so cute.

This weekend I am painting Nathan's room. He had to be last since he is still grounded. I still haven't decided what color to paint James' room but I'm not really in a rush to decide. We aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

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