Monday, March 16, 2009

Some Michiganders Blew in

Finally we got some surprise visitors that we were actually happy to see! Tom and Mena came into town and stopped by to visit for a few hours. We got to sneak in and show them the new house which we love to do. If anyone is interested in touring our future digs just let us know and we will be happy to. The only requirement is that you have to tell us how awesome it is at least twice.

They even brought potato salad! I have a huge weakness for good potato salad and oh was it good. I finished off what was left of it for dinner. I think I could eat it every day.

James was a little leary of the new faces. He is getting to that age where if he doesn't recognize you he starts looking for mom or dad. Preferably dad. After they left he did spend the next hour gnawing on all the books they gave to him for his birthday. Mmm cardboard.

I loved visiting and didn't want them to leave. With Mike working afternoons and me working from home I don't get to enjoy a whole lot of adult conversation so when I get the opportunity I jump on it.

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